Hi Addison, it looks like it's time for you both to put on the complete suit of fading armour!
If you apply these crucial principles to your situation, you may save yourself a lot of grief.
In order to fade as painlessly & safely as possible from the org, it is imperative to always keep this in mind when in the presence of J.W.'s, especially if it's elders: "Divulge nothing".
Giving personal information to such ones will be like putting a rope around your own neck.
Sadly, many J.W.'s don't believe they have the nerve/courage/know-how to refuse to discuss things when questioned by the "appointed shepherds."
NEVER forget that elders know they cannot force you to talk with them, so they rely on your fear of their non-existent authority in order to make you comply with their interrogation.
The following applies whether you attend the hall or not and is by no means comprehensive, but it is simple, straightforward, and very effective if you are offered a "shepherding call" or invited into the back room at the Kingdom Hall for a "chat".
If the former, simply say, "thanks for your offer brothers, but not at the moment. I'll let you know when I feel ready."
If the latter, enter the room and let them reveal what's on their minds. (your lack of field service, meeting attendance, etc.)
Now you're ready to say something along these lines:
"Thank you for your concerns brothers, but I have private & personal issues which I can't discuss with anyone at the moment, but I certainly appreciate your motives and concern. If things change, it's good to know that I can call you. Thank you for your offer".
Elders' Conversation Stoppers:
1) "We only want to come and give you encouragement."
Simply repeat the response above - especially the phrase "private & personal."!
2) "But how can we help you if you won't talk to us?"
"Everyone has private & personal situations which they can't discuss with others, and I'm sure that includes the elders - I'm no different!"
3) "Are you refusing to talk with us?"
"No, I just don't want to discuss things right now. I'll call you if things change."
If they push with their interrogation, just say 'thanks' and walk away immediately!
Do not prolong the interrogation. They can't punish you for ending a conversation!
Repeat any/all of the above to ANYONE who tries to extract information from you, because the elders MAY get someone you TRUST to try and get information out of you!
If you rehearse & practice your responses, you will be so much more confident and able to fend off any attempts to ambush you. Always display a meek but firm disposition.
NEVER act confrontational with the wolves, because there's always ONE in the pack who will go for you!
Best wishes for a happy fade.